As far as I can tell, PaleoTrack is the only food tracking app that calculates the percentage of calories that come from animal, plants, fruit, nuts & seeds, and dairy.

It’s a feature that I added just for fun for myself to see how “carnivore” I was. But, it turns out that many other users love the feature.

Some people want to be as “carnivore” as possible, some want to limit their dairy, and others are trying to be more plant-based. To each their own. But there’s nothing better than a pie chart to keep you accountable. 😁

One request that I received a lot was the ability for users to specify which calorie source their custom foods came from.

Well, now you can!

Simply go to the Custom Foods section, and you’ll see a field to specify the source of calories for each custom food you create, edit, or copy.

As usual, send me an email if you need help or have more feature requests. My email is always in the footer of the app.

Where are most of your calories coming from?

Join PaleoTrack today and find your percentages. (It’s free!)

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