Potassium-Sodium Ratio
What is the potassium to sodium ratio?
It is the ratio of potassium to sodium that is consumed in your diet. Example, if you consume 4000 mg of potassium and 2000 mg of sodium, then your ratio is 4000-to-2000 = 2 to 1, two times more potassium than sodium.
Why is this important?
Both potassium and sodium are essential nutrients that your body needs to control fluid and electrolyte balance. However, studies have shown that the ratio between the two is important. A ratio that is too low can lead to hypertension (high blood pressure), stroke, kidney stones, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal tract cancers, asthma, exercise-induced asthma, insomnia, air sickness, high-altitude sickness, and Meniere’s Syndrome (ear ringing).
Researchers advise that the optimal ratio should be greater than 2 to 1.
Typical American Diet
Because salt is found in almost all processed foods, the typical US diet yields a potassium to sodium ratio of 0.8 to 1.
Paleo Diet Ratios
Preagricultural humans consumed a ratio over 13.6 to 1 each day. A study of modern hunter-gatherers shows they consume a 7.7 to 1 ratio.
According to Loren Cordain, eating a modern paleo diet can produce a ratio of 12.5 to 1, because it is high in fruit & vegetables (good sources of potassium) and low in processed foods (sodium).
PaleoTrack Food Journal
You can now easily calculate your potassium to sodium ratio by tracking your food with PaleoTrack. The ratio is also displayed on our food labels to help you make better eating decisions.
So, what’s your potassium to sodium ratio?
Join PaleoTrack and start tracking what you eat to find out. It’s free!